
Find Your Voice

articles for budding speakers

the latest & greatest speaking info

There's always more to learn about this craft of speaking and communicating. Here I compile the best of what I have learned, both tried and true and cutting edge, and bring it to you in bite sized chunks.

Ten Tips to Send Your Audience to Sleep

Picture this, the auditorium is full, the doors are closed, and the lights are turned down.  The audience is on the edge of their seats in anticipation waiting for your presentation. You're introduced and you start to speak. And then within 2-3 minutes, you start to...

One Amazing Thing Happened!!!!!

The lights dim, the audience waits in anticipation and the speaker is introduced and takes the stage. Then something truly amazing happens. The speaker looks directly at you, yes you and makes eye contact. For that moment, though seated in a large audience you were...

5 Strategies to Overcome your Fear of Public Speaking

The words “public speaking” cause’s fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, and get your heart pounding? It’s likely you have glossophobia – the fear of...

Three Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Giving A Talk

Failing to start with a Bang You want to start your speech in the most powerful way possible with a bang that will engage your audience and have them excited at what you have to share. You only have between 7 and 30 seconds to connect to your audience before they lose...


Do you have trouble remembering the points a speaker made? They've faded soon after you've left the venue? I do. Maybe you have the same trouble. Thoughts that occur to me are: "Was it that I didn't pay enough attention? Did I let my mind wander? Or do I lack a good...

10 Common Time Management Mistakes

How well do you manage your time? If you’re like many people, your answer may not be completely positive. Perhaps you feel overloaded, and you often have to work late to hit your deadlines. Or maybe your days seem to go from one crisis to another, and this is...

Improv for Public Speakers

Have you ever wondered how to stay present when giving a presentation to a packed audience? So many things can happen on that stage, nerves, not being in the right mental frame of mind, a fidgety audience or forgetting your line, heaven forbid. If you are like me and...